Wednesday 29 November 2006


As December creeps upon us, it is probably time to remember that Christmas is not only a season of festivities but also a season for generousity and charity. I figured that there will be lots of people going out to celebrate with their friends and families over the coming month. And spending lots of money on food and booze in the process. So how about not spending some of that money on fancy overpriced restaurants and donating it to charity instead?

So here's the deal, pick a night when you were going to go out for a big hedonistic feast with your friends/family, estimate how much you would have spent and then donate the money instead?

The charity I've chosen is called Fight for Sight. Fight for Sight is the leading charity dedicated to funding eye research in the UK. Over the past five years alone, Fight for Sight has committed £13 million to eye research - at the Institute of Ophthalmology, research partner to the world-renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital, and other centres of excellence across the UK. It is most important to stress that Fight for Sight receives no government support and that the research ultimately benefits all of us and not just those with eyesight problems in the UK.

Everyone, not just those who have the misfortune to be afflicted with eye damage or disease in their earlier lives, will at some stage experience declining or impaired vision. Therefore supporting leading centres of excellence in eye research is relevant to us all.

Please click on the link to find out more information about Fight for Sight.

My friend Sancy is a P.hd student in opthamology and she is currently conducting research into glaucoma at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Some of the money raised through this exercise will go towards buying new equipment for her lab and funding her research. Anyone who wishes to find out more about the research which her and her fellow researchers are conducting in opthamology, should drop a comment on this blog and Sancy will endeavour to answer your questions. Always helps to know what your money will be going towards!

Right, now to cut to the chase, how should you go about donating? You may donate online via Justgiving. It is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way make your donation: Fight for Sight will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.

Over the next few days, I will be posting up recipes for you to try at your dinners at home. Anyone else with menu suggestions or party planning tips, please feel free to email me with them and I will post them up. You are also welcome to send me photos and stories of what great nights you enjoyed with your loved ones eating at home. This is all about having fun whilst doing our little bit for charity.

S xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Title of current project: An investigation into the genetic basis of primary angle closure glaucoma.

Research interests: I am an ophthalmologist working on the heritability of primary angle closure and ocular characteristics within families and specific populations. I am interested in genetic determinants that may predispose patients to visual loss from primary angle closure glaucoma. This is part of a study which will form my PhD in genetics and epidemiology under the supervision of Dr Paul Foster, Professor Shomi Bhattacharya and Professor Peng Tee Khaw. My other interests include ocular imaging techniques such as anterior segment optical coherence tomography for the assessment of angle structures.

My contact details are:-

Miss Sancy Low
Research Fellow
Departments of Epidemiology and Molecular Genetics
Institute of Ophthalmology
11- 43 Bath Street London EC1V 9EL

Tel: +44 (0)20 7608 6900
Fax: +44 (0)20 7608 4012